Double Diamond Discover Phase graphic

Discover: Object observation

Field research is a central part of the human-centered design process. You will practice field research by finding and recording objects in the environment. The purpose of this step is to practice better observational skills, to help you notice and that which is typically taken for granted, and to start thinking about objects and people as part of a larger system of a designed environment.


  1. Journal
  2. Pencil or pen, and/or marker


Step 1: Observe and record

  1. Go outside or inside of a building and identify a group of objects that repeat themselves. They do not have to be exaclty the same, but should be similar, or in the same categorey or genre of object. The object can be of any scale, and does not have necessarily have to be 'bodied' (for instance, a shadow can be an object).
  2. In your journal, make a sketch of the object(s) from multiple angles if necessary.
  3. Write down everything you can notice. This may include:
    • Record location, time of day, and date of observation
    • Describe its shape
    • What is it made from?
    • Where does it live?
    • Who put it there and why?
    • Does it move or is it otherwise affected by it's environment?
    • What are the purposes of this object, and how does it serve it's purpose?
    • List attributes like color and weight.
    • Do people interact with it? If so how, and why, when, and where?
    • How is/are it/they similar or different from the objects around it/them?
    • Does it influence sound in some way?
    • What else do you notice about the object or its context in space?

Example object

If you sat down in a coffee shop for a few minutes trying to identify objects that seem to reoccur, you might notice that there are many paper cups. You might then notice that these paper cups have a particular role in the coffee shop, and circulate throughout the space in a particular way. The paper cup would therefore make a good subject for the focus of the observation.

Step 2: Document and post your work

Please pay careful attention to file formats.

  1. Submit a clear, unobstructed, well lit, readable, properly oriented and straight, high resolution scan or photograph of your journal notes in .jpg or .png format.
  2. Post a few sentences describing where you went and what object you observed.

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