Double Diamond Develop Phase graphic

Develop: Media

In this step, you will start producing and media (media refers to your art/design interests) to explain, support, and facilitate the ritual experience you are designing. This media should require 5 to 10 hours of design work.

Note: If you have not done so already, I highly encourage you to re-read the project brief. This ritual design project does not need to solve a problem or develop a novel or new solution. You should also not be purporting to have mastery of professions that are outside of your domain of knowledge (IE — you would not claim that your project is therapeutic unless you worked with a professional therapist to develop the project).


Working from your storyboards, create media (media refers to your art/design interests) to explain, support, and facilitate the ritual experience you are designing. The media that you design should support the ritual experience aesthetically or functionally. The person in the experience (this can be you) should be able to perceive the media.

Search for related artist, designers, projects, or design groups that are a good reference point for your media work. These examples will serve as inspiration, help you better understand what is possible in the medium, and help you understand what quality work looks like in a given field. This repository was started by students, and is a good possible starting point:

Post work

Use the file format indicated in each step. You must obtain prior approval to deviate from these upload requirements. Please check that your work has uploaded properly.

  1. Upload a .doc or .txt file that lists the media you have designed.
  2. Upload media or photo documentation you have designed to support the experience.
    • Do not upload source files like PSD or others. Export versions for upload including: .jpg, .pdf, .png, .mp4, etc.
  3. Write links to related artist, designers, projects, or design groups that are a good reference point for your work.

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