Define: How Might We ...?
A "How might we" (HMW) question is both an insight about what the core issue is as well as a focus aid for the design process. This question will serve as inspiration during the development and delivery phases of the project. If your development strays too far from the HMW question, the solution you deliver might be solving a different set of issues from the ones you set out to solve. Refer back to the HMW question often throughout the process.
Use the following pattern for creating the sentence: How might we ( positive action ) ( a description of specific challenge ) ( a specific context ) ?
Using related sources of credible information that inform your understanding of the subject matter being investigated in the HMW will help guide aspects of the form and context for the development of the work. Assume that you don't know what you don't know, and use this as an opportunity to investigate the best available knowledge on the subject and the systems in which it is enmeshed.
- Pen or pencil
- Journal
Example Question
In this example, let's say that I discovered that a friend was anxious about socializing. The HMW question could be phrased like this:
How might we ( relieve the stress of social interaction from ) ( a person who has trouble feeling comfortable in groups ) ( when they socialize with friends )?
I could then attempt to locate relevant research related to any number of aspects of the HMW, including psychology, commiunication, phenomenology, interaction design, etc., to help gain a better understanding of some of the underlying forces in play and what to keep in mind when attempting to better understand the problem space.
- Based on your interview insights, use the sentence template to write three possible HMW questions, one for each insight.
- Review your sentences and circle the one you think works best.
- Document your HMW question with a photograph or scan.
- Find and list the URL or DOI of several credible published sources. Conduct a search for peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, etc. that are related to the subject matter identified in your HMW question. Critical aspects presented in this research that impact the context and form of the design work should be considered as you move through the rest of the design process. A physical library, Google Scholar, journal databases, and published books by credible figures should be given search priority.
Post work to the Studio
Use the file format indicated in each step. You must obtain prior approval to deviate from these upload requirements. Please check that your work has uploaded properly.
- Upload the photograph or scan of your HMW questions in
format. - Write the URL or DOI of each journal article, book, chapter, etc., that you will use to help inform your work.