American Cheese


3-channel Video, Z-Corp 3D Prints
Rear Projection

The American Cheese installation consisted of three looping animations derived from foreclosure data for the neighborhood where I grew up.The work is based on my interest in exploring the events that have transpired over the last decade, such as the global economic crisis, ongoing technological transgressions on consumerism and self-expression, and how these issues change the truths that structure and form our perceptions.

Other People’s Phenomenologies (OPP) was a joint exhibition with Ian Brill and myself. The exhibition was held in the Edwin W. Zoller Gallery in the Visual Arts Building at Penn State University from April 13th – 20th, 2012. I had three works in OPP; American Cheese, Sub Rosa II, and The Real Estate. All of the works were looping CGI animations, which were projected on either custom rear-projection screens or directly onto the gallery wall.

Image of American Cheese animated projection Image of American Cheese animated projection Image of American Cheese animated projection Image of American Cheese 3D Print Image of American Cheese animated projection Image of American Cheese animated projection