
For this project, you produce an animation centered around the theme of “cycles”. You will design, model, texture, animate, and render a 30 second animation in response to sound that you find in the Experimental category on to interpret the project theme, cycles. Pay special attention to the audio track’s licensing. You cannot use anything that claims to derivatives in the license. If the license requires you to give credit (CC-BY), you can give credit in the description. You are encouraged to edit, modify, and combine different audio tracks to suit the needs of your animation.

You will also critically reflect on your work and the poject theme in a 150 word work statement.

A successful project will demonstrate understanding and mastery of 3D tools and processes, application of formal design principles, attention to detail and composition, and lead to discussion about your work during a critique.

Completion Process

You will go through a variety of different project steps including:

  1. Sound identification;
  2. reference gathering, visual research, and concept development;
  3. modeling, surfaces, and texture map production;
  4. animation;
  5. animatic editing;
  6. lighting;
  7. rendering,
  8. feedback and iterative improvement,
  9. color grading and finishing,
  10. and writing reflection.

FITC presents FORM // Chicago 2015 Titles
Simple shapes in motion
Forms in Nature
30 Seconds / Edition One / Tomas Garcia
30 motion tests in 30 seconds
David O’Reilly: Childhood - [Adult Swim], Bomb
Animation Sequence Project


  • Use 3D tools to produce animation
  • 30 seconds of animation
  • All assets used in the production of the work must be created by you, be appropriately licensed for use, or be appropriated in a transformative way that significantly alters the nature of the original asset.


When uploading files to the dropboxes, ensure that you use the naming conventions and folder structure, listed below.

  1. Project 2 Concepts (Due: 2:30pm on April 3, 2018)
  2. Project 2 Animatic (Due: 2:30pm on April 10, 2018)
    • Create a 15-30 second compressed .mp4 of your playblasts edited with sound. This is also known as an animatic. Please consider relevant aspects of camera, composition, staging, pacing, and animation.
    • 1080 HD preset
  3. Project 2 Test renders (Due: 2:30pm on April 17, 2018)
    • Dropbox: Project 2 Test renders
    • Note: 20 second render times per frame takes 4 hours for a computer to render 30 seconds worth of frames
    • Requirements:
    • 3 to 5 test renders, each from a different part of the animation
    • 1080 HD preset
    • Render time must be under a minute (unless you plan to pay for an online renderfarm)
  4. Project 2 Final submission (Due: 2:30pm on April 24, 2018)
    • Upload .mp4 video file in H.264 format
    • .txt file with link to vimeo
  5. Project 2 Statement (Due: 2:30pm on April 24, 2018)
    • Write and add a statement format named (min 150 words) called statement.doc to the statement folder
  6. Project 2 Post-critique Revision (Due: 2:30pm on April 28, 2018)
    • Upload .mp4 video file in H.264 format
    • .txt file with link to vimeo

Naming Conventions

Project 2
├── concepts/
|   |
|   └── [YOURUSERID]
|       |
|       ├── [YOURUSERID]-referencesheet-[#].jpg
|       ├── [YOURUSERID]-sketch-[#].jpg
|       └── ...
├── animatic/
|   |
|   └── [YOURUSERID]-animatic.mp4
├── test-renders/
|   |
|   └── [YOURUSERID]
|       |
|       ├── [YOURUSERID]-testrender-[#].jpg OR [YOURUSERID]-testrender-[#].png
|       └── ...
├── statement/
|   |
|   └── [YOURUSERID]-statement.doc
├── Final Submission/
|   |
|   └── [YOURUSERID]
|       |
|       ├── [YOURUSERID]-vimeo-link.txt
|       └── [YOURUSERID]-final-submission.mp4
└── Optional Post-crit Revision/
    └── [YOURUSERID]
        ├── [YOURUSERID]-vimeo-link.txt
        └── [YOURUSERID]-final-submission.mp4