In this exercise, you will practice creating a rig for a polygon mesh and adding deformers. Level 1 students will create a simple biped rig starting with this project file. Level 2 and 3 students will create more complex polygonal biped character meshes and rigs.

Learning Resources:

Level 1: Novice Students Animation Tools Cartoon Rigging

Levels 2 and 3: Intermediate & Experienced Students Character Rigging

Levels 3: Experienced Students
Face rigging

Lynda Tutorials: 12 Principles of Animation

Steps to Completion

Choose a either level 1, level 2, or level 3 to complete based on your prior experience with 3D tools. If you are a novice, choose Level 1. If you have some experience, choose Level 2. If you are very experienced with 3D tools, choose Level 3.

Level 1 Steps Level 2 Steps Level 3 Steps

Level 1:

  1. Watch the level 1 rigging tutorials.
  2. Download the base Maya rigging project folder.
  3. Rename the downloaded project folder to: maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L1
  4. Set your project to the downloaded folder.
  5. Add subdivisions (edge loops) to the polygonal mesh minimizing unwanted distortion that results from moving a joints bound to improperly created geometry. Add geometry to articulate the knee, elbows, and arms.
  6. Create joints for the torso, hips, knees, legs, feet, shoulders, arms, neck, and head. Name and number them for your reference. See image below: image alt text
  7. Smooth bind the joints to the polygonal mesh by selecting both the mesh and the joints, and then choosing, SkinBind. Click on ‘Smooth Bind.’
  8. Use the Component Editor and Paint Skin Weights tool to make adjustments to joint influences.
  9. Pose the biped to be in natural sitting pose.
  10. Save your scene as maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID in the scenes folder.
  11. Compress the project folder once you’ve completed the tutorial and rename it
  12. Upload the .zip file to the submission dropbox
  13. Ensure you’ve included everything properly. Failure to ensure that you’ve uploaded the file will result in your exercise being graded according the grading criteria.

Example Level 1 folder structure
└── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L1
    ├── sourceimages/
    ├── sound/
    ├── scripts/
    ├── scenes/
    |   |
    |   └── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID.mb
    ├── renderData/
    ├── particles/
    ├── movies/
    ├── images/
    ├── data/
    ├── clips/
    ├── cache/
    ├── autosave/
    └── assets/

Level 2:

  1. Watch the level 2 cartoon character animation tutorials.
  2. Create a new project folder called maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L2, set your scene to the project folder, and create the sub folders by choosing FileProject WindowAccept.
  3. Build a simple biped character mesh.
  4. Create joints, IKs, and controls for the head, arms, and legs.
  5. Bind your rig to your mesh.
  6. Create a text animation of your character’s movement, showing the versatility of your rig over 120 frames.
  7. Save your scene as maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID in the scenes folder.
  8. Compress the project folder once you’ve completed the tutorial and rename it
  9. Upload the .zip file to the submission dropbox
  10. Ensure you’ve included everything properly. Failure to ensure that you’ve uploaded the file will result in your exercise being graded according the grading criteria.

Example Level 2 folder structure
└── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L2
    ├── sourceimages/
    ├── sound/
    ├── scripts/
    ├── scenes/
    |   |
    |   └── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID.mb
    ├── renderData/
    ├── particles/
    ├── movies/
    ├── images/
    ├── data/
    ├── clips/
    ├── cache/
    ├── autosave/
    └── assets/

Level 3:

  1. Watch the tutorials from the learning resources.
  2. Create a new project folder called maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L3, set your scene to the project folder, and create the sub folders by choosing FileProject WindowAccept.
  3. Create a fully rigged character including a center of gravity control, limb and body part controls, rotation constraints, and set-driven keys.
  4. Create a 10 second 240 frame animation expressing one of the 12 animation principles.
  5. Save your scene as maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID in the scenes folder.
  6. Compress the project folder once you’ve completed the tutorial and rename it
  7. Upload the .zip file to the submission dropbox
  8. Ensure you’ve included everything properly. Failure to ensure that you’ve uploaded the file will result in your exercise being graded according the grading criteria.

Example Level 3 folder structure
└── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID-L3
    ├── sourceimages/
    ├── sound/
    ├── scripts/
    ├── scenes/
    |   |
    |   └── maya-rigging-YOURSTUDENTID.mb
    ├── renderData/
    ├── particles/
    ├── movies/
    ├── images/
    ├── data/
    ├── clips/
    ├── cache/
    ├── autosave/
    └── assets/


Your grade will be assessed according to the Exercise Grading Criteria.