
In this exercise, you will model an environment for your creature from the previous exercises. You will also set up NPR shaders, Freestyle lines, and use the compositor to achieve a comic visual style.


  1. Continue using your creature from the previous exercise. Model an indoor or outdoor environment and props.
  2. Follow the tutorials to add NPR shaders to your creature and the environment.
  3. Create shaders, materials, and freestyle lines to create a manga or comic book visual style.
  4. Choose an interesting composition.
  5. Use the compositing system in Blender to use blending modes and post-effects to enhance the visual quality as seen in the tutorials.
  6. Save a 1920x1080 render as LASTNAME-npr-creature.png in the project folder.
  7. Save your file as LASTNAME-npr-creature.blend in the project folder.
  8. Compress the project folder once you’ve completed the tutorial and rename it
  9. Upload the .zip file to the assignment dropbox.
  10. Double check that you’ve included all files and that your .zip file can be downloaded and opened.
Learning Objectives

  1. Become familiarized with the NPR workflow.
  2. Gain familiarity with compositing system in Blender.

Texture Painting and NPR Shading Tutorials

Texture Painting in Blender and rendering for Comics

Comic Shading using the Compositor in Blender

Blender NPR Tutorials

To get a deeper understanding of how Blender's rendering system works, have a look these tutorials

    blender 2.8 Freestyle Eevee

    NPR Blender 2.8 - Comic book/ Manga ink shader / Toon Shader

    Blender freestyle tutorial


    Criteria Description Assessment Weight
    Attention to Detail This criteria looks at if the assignment was submitted on time, if each step was completed to a high degree of accuracy, and if file naming conventions were followed. 5 pts
    Learning by doing (Completed all steps) This criteria assess whether you completed the assignment's given set of instructions. This indirectly infers how well you acquired foundational skills and theory. 5 pts