1. Kinds of textures

    1. Diffuse Map

      1. RGB to provide local color
    2. Normal Map

      1. RGB converts to XYZ coordinates when rendering
    3. Bump Map (Height Map)

      1. Grey values determine height of surface detail
      2. Geometry is not changed
    4. Displacement Map

      1. Grey values
      2. Affects geometry
    5. Specular Map (Grey value)

    6. Pretty much any channel in your shader can be driven by a map

      1. Alpha
      2. glossiness
      3. reflectivity
      4. hair/baldness
  2. Resources

    1. Normal Map Tools

      1. Maya: Normal Map Transfer
      2. Photoshop Plugin: http://quixel.se/ndo
      3. Standalone: http://www.crazybump.com/
    2. Advanced Displacement Mapping

      1. Tutorial: http://www.cggallery.com/tutorials/displacement/
    3. Textures

      1. http://www.cgtextures.com/
      2. http://texturer.com/
  3. Video Screening

    1. Airspace: https://vimeo.com/80683467
    2. Airspace Breakdown: https://vimeo.com/80642128
    3. For the remainder
    4. Paths of Hate
    5. Kenneth Fejer: http://www.kennethfejer.com/lowpoly.html
  4. Terminology

    1. HUD - Triangles
    2. Diffuse
    3. Bump Map
    4. Alpha
    5. Unfold
    6. UV Texture Editor
    7. UV Layout
  5. Texturing Demo

    1. UV Texture Editor
    2. Unfolding/Relax UVs tool
    3. Pin selected UVs
    4. Texturing in Photoshop
  6. Q and A

    1. Why Low Poly Modeling and Texturing?
  7. Assignment: Exercise 3