In this exercise, you will produce abstract illustrations to gain introductory understanding of modeling, rendering, and compositing fundamentals in C4D.

Learning Resources

Tutorials: - Beginner's Guide to C4D - CINEMA 4D R16 Essential Training - CINEMA 4D R17 Essential Training - Creating Motion Graphics with Sketch and Toon in CINEMA 4D
Greyscale Gorilla Blog - Compositing Tag


Sandro Tatinashvili
Stuart Wade
Wired - The Job Issue
Abstraction in Art
Abstraction in Programming

Further Investigation:

Don Dertzfeldt - Simpsons Intro Disarming Corruptor, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez

Example Production Files

C4D Compositing Tags C4D Variation Examples

Steps to Completion

  1. Watch tutorials from Lynda and Digitaltutors on C4D.
  2. In Cinema 4D, create 3D objects and materials.
  3. Experiment with deformers
  4. Render 4 or more takes or passes for compositing
  5. Composite variations in photoshop
    • Create 4 final variations of your illustration
    • Ajust layer blending modes, color overlays, etc to achieve 3 distinct looks.
    • Requirements:
      • Resolution: 1920px width by 1080px height
      • naming convention: c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID-#.jpg_**
  6. Save your .c4d file and 4 image variations in a folder called _c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID.
  7. Compress the project folder:
  8. Upload the .zip file to the submission dropbox
  9. Ensure you’ve included everything properly. Failure to ensure that you’ve uploaded the file will result in your exercise being graded according the grading criteria.

Example folder structure
└── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID/
    ├── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID.c4d
    ├── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID-1.jpg
    ├── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID-2.jpg
    ├── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID-3.jpg
    └── c4d-illustration-YOURSTUDENTID-4.jpg


Your grade will be assessed according to the Exercise Grading Criteria.